Our team at OLIVER was tasked to support and amplify a campaign called "VIRAL or VITAL". The concept of the campaign surrounds the ever changing content, advice and trends that are oversaturating the beauty industry. Anyone can be an “expert” and give “professional” advice seemingly to gain followers. Unfortunately, a lot of trending beauty hacks aren’t dermatologist recommend and more often than not cause more harm to our skin than good. So we recommended creating a gamified educational series that puts trends to the test with certified Dermatologists at the Academy of Dermatology Conference.
In addition to having Derms debunk skin trends, we worked with Jennifer Garner and Haley Kalil to lead the mini-series. Our team storyboarded the mini series, and shot all content at the (AAD) conference, which was launched across Instagram and Tiktok.
We connected an at-home series running on Instagram stories which could also be scanned and linked to the game by the QR code on the branded Neutrogena vehicles at (AAD).
Project Date
San Diego, California
Creative Direction Art Direction Social Media OOH Events Copywriting Digital