Alpha Foods is a new plant-based CPG that creates delicious, craveable foods without the meat – targeting the millennial demographic that often seeks a balanced lifestyle, not needing to be vegan.
First we overhauled the packaging across the board, and launched five new products to the breakfast family. We needed to create some excitement and education around the launch while introducing the new look of packaging to the audience.
Working with a copywriter, we brainstormed the concept and landed on “More-nings”. I wanted to channel a few key product features you get out of these items (like more protein iron and convenience) as well as play on some relatable scenarios that grasp Alpha’s tongue in cheek tone of voice while resonating with the demographic.
I created a photo brief to reflect the concept and art directed the shoot. The campaign launched across many mediums: instagram, facebook, Pinterest, landing page, paid digital advertising, e-mail, in-store displays and within coupon and flyers. The digital part alone had over 7 million impressions.
Photographer: Doaa Jamal
Copywriter: Leila Tobago
Alpha Foods
Project Date
Vancouver, British Columbia
Creative Direction
Art Direction
Social Media Strategy